Does anyone else have feelings that TRP will eventually fracture/implode or have a breakaway sub? Issues will be caused by the rapid influx of newbies redefining and diluting the subs ideology.

You're not making much sense because that wasn't your point. I'm not necessarily disagreeing with your subsequent points on anything but that's not what you were saying.

E.g "It doesn't make you beta being a virgin, TRP is about being confident in what you do". Do you really believe that this was the "original message" of TRP?

You were saying "do I really think that being a virgin doesn't make you beta" is their original message. You weren't say "they've been doing it from the very start"there. I explained that you interpreted my comment incorrectly. That part is referencing that people come in and don't read the sidebar to indoctrinate themselves and they come in and immediately start giving people "red pill truths".

The ECS, founders and veterans don't like being schooled by a newbie and downvoted to the negatives because part of the "red pill philosophy" conflicts with them using it to cope.

I'm talking about how an incel from wizardchan who comes to theredpill to hear misogynistic shit and has no intention of "working on sedxual strategy" just reading hateful stuff about women and hearing stuff about male superiority to cheer themselves up.

I never said that they were not redefining stuff before or that it wasn't a coping mechanism. Right in my title I explain that the issue is how this all relates to the rapid influx of new users. It's simply too much to contain.

If one or two dudes start piping up saying "Well actually you can still be an alpha if you don't go out at all really, you just need to be confident in all actios". So someone has changed a core tenet of being TheRedPIll to do with sexual success and social dominance defefok being alpha so that their piss bottle, video game lifestyle is still alpha.

Likewise, people coming in and changing the whole "never marry" thing so that "marriage is the red pill on hard mode" "marriage > spinning plates".

I didn't say anywhere in my post they never did that before.

I just find your comments confusing because originally you respond questioning whether I believe something was the original message. the you make the point that they have been "doing that from the very start. But the thing is, that's not what you were saying in your first comment and in your second comment you're saying things I didn't actually disagree with and haven't opposed. So really I can say good points but this whole exchange is bewildering, given your comments and what you say what you meant earlier and how it doesn't add up.

I feel a bit disappointed because when I wrote this post I told myself I was dumb for thinking I need to make it overly obvious for thinking the message is bad. But I facepalm mildly because I'even had someone accuse me of being a redpiller as I've "implied the message used to be good, simply by virtue of not feeling I need to be over the top and remind people the message is hate- which I thought is obvious.

/r/TheBluePill Thread Parent