Does anyone else lie in bed after work thinking about all the shit you forgot? Like how do you stop!!

starbucks was my first job and when i started i had A LOT of anxiety about this, and i found when i wasn’t working i could only think about work. it’s hard not to analyze every shift, & it’s actually kinda encouraged at first. i remember my trainer told me to look back after i clock out and think about what i could be doing better.. which is fine i guess.. but i think i just dug in too deep. i’d say at the end of each week just think about if you need to work on bar, CS, connection skills or whatever. make a note, put it in the back of your head, and move on.

if you’re a closer, i highly recommend making a list, saving it, and then also never over thinking about it again. you’ll have all the steps needed and you can check them off as you go.

good news is, this will probably subside as you keep working and learning how things go. it’ll just become instinct.

/r/starbucks Thread