Does anyone else who is successful just feel empty?

Ofcourse man. I'm 26, I've seen some questionable things from humanitys side, find a life mission to pursue, the RSD guys who are great with girls found their happiness teaching other guys how to do what they do. Some people go their whole lives without knowing of this whole skillset with women. They find that one beautiful girl and settle down for life. Some girls go their whole lives in a world where guys treat them well and they live unharmed by whatever shit the real world can do to people. Just know, all religion and spirituality aside no one really knows why we're here. Find your life mission, and forget what most people say because people really do want you to relentlessly validate their existence. I kind of just write to vent and get a new perspective on my own life. But I hope you find what it is you're after.

Completely unrelated by I believe everyone is just an angel stuck "inbetween" (I know sounds kinda weird) But we were given this life to show which way we swing, (Judgement) So thats kind of how I like to live. Its whatever sense you find in this world, stick to it like glue, until you find something better. Science explains alot but the funny thing is science and mytiscism can exist in the same world

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