Does anyone feel alone?

I can definitely relate to this. I am in my early twenties and have only met a handful of people throughout the course of my life that I have been able to truly connect with. The few close friendships I have had ended either because of them becoming incredibly toxic, or due to them developing mental illness to the point where I don’t even recognize them anymore (this has happened multiple times, I have read that mental illness is more prevalent among gifted people). I have also had to move around a lot in the past few years which hasn’t helped much in the way of making friends. I still have a few close friends I have known since I was a kid that live in different places than me that I still talk to regularly. However, I can feel some of those relationships beginning to strain as well. My one friend has become somewhat toxic lately and will criticize me and make snarky comments which I usually just let go of because he is one of the few people left I can relate to. It is a lonely existence for sure but it doesn’t bother me as much as it used to. I think having less friends than when you were younger is just part of growing up. Having hobbies that you can meet other people through definitely helps though.

/r/Gifted Thread