Does anyone have stats on IPV against men in Australia? What does the research say?

I have found ChatGPT quite helpful in finding sources. Below you will find a quick response from ChatGPT

1.Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Personal Safety Survey: The ABS conducted a survey in 2016, which found that 1 in 3 victims of current partner violence were male. The survey also found that 1 in 2 men who experienced current partner violence did not tell anyone about it.

Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2017). Personal Safety, Australia, 2016 (No. 4906.0).

  1. One in Three Campaign: This organization focuses on raising awareness of male victims of domestic violence in Australia. They provide statistics and resources on their website.

Source: One in Three Campaign. (n.d.). Statistics.

  1. Men's Referral Service: This is a men's support service in Victoria, Australia, that provides counseling and assistance to men experiencing domestic violence. They have a webpage on their website dedicated to the issue of male victims of domestic violence, which includes statistics and resources.

Source: Men's Referral Service. (n.d.). Male Victims of Family Violence.

  1. White Ribbon Australia: This is a campaign to prevent violence against women and children in Australia. They have a section on their website dedicated to the issue of male victims of domestic violence, which includes statistics and resources.

Source: White Ribbon Australia. (n.d.). Men and Domestic Violence.

/r/LeftWingMaleAdvocates Thread