Off My Chest: I Think I Experienced Misandry Roleplaying As A Male Character

Imagine you weren't able to quit this game and didn't opt in in the first place. At what point do you think you would begin viewing those women negatively and thinking there is something deeply broken about them if they're behaving this way?

Congratulations. You now understand misogyny and why feminists are projecting their own psychological issues onto the male gender rather than have to actually confront and deal with their flaws.

Men are placed in a position where they either learn to hate themselves and internalize womens hatred and dehumanizing view of men, grow to hate women in response to it, or become aware of the overall dynamic and navigate a path in between those two extremes.

You understand some of the stuff men put up with now it seems, so I thought i'd point this out so you maybe understand why some men genuinely hate women.

I also want to draw a distinction between hating women and disliking them. It is entirely normal and reasonable to dislike women as a result of all this, but if you're spending emotional energy on it rather than improving yourself and working on helping and connecting with men, that's a problem.

Finally, I want to draw a distinction between "As a rule, I dislike women" and "I dislike every woman".

/r/LeftWingMaleAdvocates Thread