The “incel” slur is making it impossible for me to use the internet

Now it means a dude who doesn’t get any pussy, trying or not trying. If you have a critical opinion it’s because no woman will touch your penis, and as we all know, pussy is the only thing that validates a man’s worth.

Funny, because men and women both say it for different reasons. Men want to publicly distinguish themselves from the kissless weeb misogynist, while women seem to only think you can have an un-compromised opinion if one of her “fellow females” has elected to fuck you, which is laughable because clearly women don’t always agree on which men are fuckable.

It’s bullying because accuracy isn’t the point, giving you no good response and shutting you up is. Neither replying that you’re sexually active or that you’re not seeking sexual relationships is a good response, that just invites further mockery.

It’s low hanging fruit. Also, whatever. Feminists are female incels, except getting laid is easy for women. Feeling good about yourself afterward, and getting treated how you want by the opposite sex, that’s the difficult part.

/r/LeftWingMaleAdvocates Thread