Why does it feel impossible to climb silver?

When I grinded to masters I played about 40 games a day.

Gave up my day job over the summer just to do it.

Lost a lot of sleep, almost died from deprivation, I was obsessed over that stupid ass border.

Funny thing was I didn't even get it, dropped out 2 hours before the season lock.

Ended up becoming #1 wukong NA for about a week though lmao

If you want to climb you can do the crazy route where you just no life league, or play until you lose and then get off to take a break, think about life, league, etc.

I recommend the second route if you're in silver, chances are people don't play all day so you can afford to take breaks, also exercise in between queue, clears your mind of ALL tilt, that's the important part.

If you want to know what tilt feels like I dropped out of D1 and lost about 15 games to get into D3 about 6 days ago, took me a week, failed my D1 promos 8 times to get back to where I was (don't believe me check my match history, literally about 100 games played in 4 days)

If you can overcome tilt, you can overcome anything in life, that's my motto

Also you need to enjoy the game to a certain extent, if you absolutely hate grinding it out then stop. I've come to love/hate the ranked system and I have accepted it for what it is, good or bad, I play ranked at this point just because I enjoy it more then anything else really.

My biggest piece of advice that I never see anyone give in this sub is to play a basic, OP ass champion like Ryze or Kayle.

People might disagree and say they aint OP but trust me, you get your hands on of those babies and you aint ever going back. In silver people are banning malphite still, so ONE of those champs are gonna go through (Ekko, Fizz, Ryze, etc) so just play em, literally takes 1 or 2 custom games to figure out their skills, open up a tab with probuilds.net and just straight up copy a build lol, almost brainless how easy it is to play Tank Fizz or Ryze or Kayle, so you can work on basic fundamentals while you're at it.

/r/summonerschool Thread