Does YNAB have anything to offer from someone like me?

I agree with CommondeNominator; I wish I had this program when I was 18. If you start using YNAB now and take it seriously, you will be able to save a significant amount of money while still enjoying things like Spotify, eating out with friends, etc. I worked all through high school, full time in college, and beyond, and while I'm not completely irresponsible with money (I'm not in credit card debt), I don't have much to show for all my hard work. I would have been so much better off if I had used YNAB or something like it when I was younger. I'm 31 now and just starting to seriously save for a house. I seriously regret all those years of mis-managing my money. In fact, I just had a yard sale this weekend and felt so ashamed of all the dumb stuff I was selling that I had spent my money on over the years. Start budgeting now and learn to keep track of your spending. Following a budget doesn't mean that you can't ever have any fun--quite the opposite; you budget for the fun and you can even budget for impulse purchases with YNAB (for example, I have a "Stuff I Forgot" category and I throw $25 or $50 from each paycheck into it, so when I come across something I didn't plan on spending on but really need or want, I'm covered). You will be so happy you started when you were young, especially when you and all of your friends are in your late 20s/early 30s and you're the only one with a ton of savings and the means to buy a house, take nice vacations, buy a brand new car, etc. without draining your entire bank account. Start the free trial today, go to a couple of the classes (you might win a copy like I did!), and if you don't win a free copy, invest the $15 when the Summer Steam sale comes along. You won't regret it.

/r/ynab Thread