Why doesn't the US or South Korea and allies invade North Korea?

Their end goal seems to be invading South Korea, and unify the peninsula, obviously under the dear leader, kim jong-porky. From all appearances they haven't gotten over US involvement, unlike vietnam, and still seek to attack and destroy the US, “The abominable cruelties committed by the U.S. imperialist aggression troops still make our people burn in their hearts with indignation and resolve firmly to take revenge on the enemy.”; they're attempting to get weapons of mass destruction, the militaries of both countries are assuming they have them. We invaded Saddam for much less, and if you look at their philosophy, junche; "To compromise is to die. North Korea’s rhetoric and ideology does not appear to permit it to go gently into that good night. If death is the only option, Kim may try to take South Korea, the U.S., and Japan with him." It seems to me that a pre-emptive strike North Korea would result in less casualties than waiting for them to attack us, then responding in the same way. So, why not launch the attack now, before we have nukes aimed/fired at us? http://www.icsahome.com/articles/the-cult-that-is-north-korea

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