AITA for telling my niece she should stop traveling abroad after she lectured me for buying a BMW? And told me I should have gotten a Tesla?


But I'm assuming your niece is probably a child, so the asshole crown goes to you for allowing a child to goad you and for firing back with a false equivalence.

For one, unless she owns a personal jet, she's essentially ride-sharing every plane with nearly 200 other passengers, so accounting that huge carbon footprint solely to her is just silly and you know it.

For another, plane rides are often the only practical means of seeing the world, other cultures, and historically relevant sites. Not to mention, once she's an adult, taking part in international business, and a whole host of other reasons to travel abroad.

So comparing someone choosing a less economical car for their daily commute and someone traveling to see the world is just nonsense. They don't compare in either purpose or in impact.

That being said, your niece was being a little snotty. Again, I'm assuming she's a child, but hopefully she learns some tact and manners.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread