“Don’t blame this on the Muslims! It’s not their fault!”

You guys seem to have a big fucking victim complex.

Nope, can't say I feel like I'm a victim. I just don't like Islam.

How many dead in Iraq over WMD and really it was all about oil, how many big massive missiles did the Navy fire into Bagdad? shall we just push that under the carpet, well because it was explained well in the press.

The bush's and the saudis working together, what more do you want? There are plenty of people awake to this, I was very anti bush, still am today. That family supported the nazi's. They are on the saudi bankroll. Guess who else is? The clintons.

Over 1 million dead in Iraq, 1 fucking million, how many dead through Isis? Jews are taught that they are the chosen people, and radical Jews who control the banking system, who fuck with people's lives on a daily basis, where is the outrage for that?

1 million dead is bad, but there have been 260+ million dead in 1400 years directly attributed to Jihad. Neither take away from the other. Any loss of life for ideology, rhetoric or tyranny is a terrible thing.

Where is the outrage when Israel use chemical weapons on civ's.

So you're ok with Saddam using them?

I don't give a shit if your a bigot, stop being the victim. I bet in Brussels as many Muslims died as non Muslims. This is why these groups get sympathy from normal Muslims as the level of hypocrisy is unreal.

Your next statement is that of playing the victim too, so be careful how you choose your words. I NEVER made this about Muslims, I have a problem with ISLAM. People have rights, such as to autonomy and LIFE, ideologies DO NOT.

I mean just admit it, a white westerns life to you is worth more than a brown skinned Muslims life. It would explain the outrage. Blaming Islam is beyond daft, I mean you say islam can't coexist with western values, bullshit, Asians have been in the UK since the 60's, why all of a sudden is there now a problem? I think the answer lies with our governments and the constant need to have a common enemy.

Brown skinned? So now you are making this about race? Again, I said ISLAM is not compatible. I am entitled to that opinion based on my experience and observations. Funny that you make this about my perceived value of life, what if I said that Islam makes thier adherants believe that EVERY NON MUSLIM is worth LESS?

But really do you give a shit?

Yup, I give a shit of my kids and other peoples kids growing up in a world where they need to be afraid of living in a war zone. That's why I am against any political or religious doctrine that leads us down that course.

You just need another enemy or another thing you can look at and say you shouldn't do that, do this instead and if you don't then your wrong. Typical European attitude.

Your entire post has been projecting your beliefs onto me, it's appears that you're butthurt and have an axe to grind.

You need to calm down.

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