I don’t think I understand meat eaters

I agree. I remind myself often to "live and let live" when I encounter ignorance. I do think younger and older people can be judgmental about different things though. (Tangent below if anyone is interested, hopefully this is ok...)

For example, many of the younger people today seem much more aesthetically vain than pre-2010 thanks to things like YouTube makeup tutorials, Instagram, social media, stuff like that. Life goals have become about creating a perfect life picture instead of nourishing a happy soul. IMO young people today put soooo much pressure on themselves to look "perfect." When I was a teen/young adult, none of the women I saw had their eyebrows threaded and many just trimmed and plucked their brows... yet now it seems almost mandatory to have perfectly threaded eyebrows. That shit can be pricey depending on where you live. So stuff like that I see as being judgmental/holding certain standards about superficial things. On deeper societal issues, however, younger people tend to demand open-mindedness. Which is pretty awesome to an extent. But that topic is for a different subreddit, sorry for the "back in my day" tangent, but yea...

Older people seem much more judgmental about fundamental and moral life decisions, such as dietary choices, church attendance, abortion, sexual orientation/affiliation, political party affiliation, etc. Of course older people are judgmental about appearance, too, but there seems to be a greater focus on judging people for core worldviews. Which leads to crazy serious outcomes like oh, idk, racism, genocide (see: WW2) and anti-immigration. This is more serious than superficial, with more potential for immediate societal harm. IMO this tendency to judge worldviews is common among 99% of the older people I've met (exception: those older folks who live in hippyish locations in the USA).

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