Donald Trump says that Elijah Cummings is racist. What has Cummings done to make him a racist?

You believe America should “stay white”?

Believe it or not, I don't care about white or brown or black.

Here's what I'd say though: look at Ilhan Omar and how she's not on the same page politically with most conservatives. Look at a lot of other POC who want to blame everything bad on whitey or who want to take away all my supposed privileges, true or imaginary.

As an average white guy who isn't rich, I already get to see in the workplace all these women and poc getting advantages.

As a normal human being who's not big into being shamed or guilted for all the sins of every white person who has ever lived, why would I vote to let more and more people into this country who are going to agree with and vote for more people like Omar and Ocasio-Cortez??

Will it be good for people like me or bad for me? Do I like being called racist everyday? Being forced to pay taxes so immigrants have health care or get job training or so Hispanics get jobs and scholarships over me? Why would I want more and more people from third world countries to come here and compete with me for jobs?

It's like asking a soccer team to purposefully lose cause they won last year.

It makes no sense.

And it's up to us - we who live here and are citizens who decide who can come into our country (in theory, but in reality the little people's desires are irrelevant). So why would I vote for things that disadvantage me?

You might have some sort of guilt or truly believe diversity makes us stronger. I don't.

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