Awesome parenting

This reminds me the when I was a child. We grew up very poor as well. 6 of us in basically a 1 room shack. My Mom would work hard all day to take care of us. She cooked, she cleaned, she went above and beyond. My four grandparents slept together in a communal bed in the middle of the house. They were all bed ridden and required extra care. It was a strange arrangement, but it was the best way for mom to take care of them.

She worked incredibly hard to ensure we were all cared for. One time a local business had a contest for 5 winners to get a lifetime supply of chocolate and a tour of the business. Growing up poor I had only tasted chocolate on special occasions. I figured a lifetime supply would be amazing for the family to have and share, and after all her hard work she would enjoy a mini vacation.

I didn’t have much money, but put in some extra time to earn some - I really wanted to win the contest for my mom. Near the end of the contest I found some money laying on the ground. I bought one last entry - AND I WON! Excitedly I ran home to let my Mom know her worries would be over. I got home and my grandpa, who had been bedridden and leeching off my mom for years, miraculously stood up, danced around the room, and weaseled himself into my Moms place on the tour. And that’s how I found out my Grandpa Joe was an Asshole.

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