I don't even mind seeing Akali in Pro Play

I like to look at pick/ban rates and how they compare/relate to win rates. For a champ with 100% pick/ban rates in 3 of the 4 regions, I don't think there's anything spectacular about 50~63% win rates (and that range is ignoring the abysmal NA Urgot performances). There are plenty of outstanding characters in each region with low pick/ban, high win rates:

Vlad, in the LCK, has a 69.2% win rate with 13 games and a 39.3% pick/ban
Ornn, in the LCS, has a 80% win rate with 5 games and a 30% pick/ban
Olaf, in the LEC, has a 87.5% win rate with 8 games and a 40% pick/ban
Xayah, in the LPL, has a 86.7% win rate with 15 games and a 26.8% pick/ban.

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