Dream Killers

So your going to be the jerk who on a post that says "Dream Killers" throws one more knife. Nice. I hope you sleep well at night. That being said... Me making it obvious that this person is my elder in this rant to blow off steam I'm sure makes me look like a rebellious teenager. However, you don't know this person nor do you know me. Honestly you could be right, she may have more knowledge about it. But she still isn't me and has no right to judge my life or choices. Imagine if we met in person today and I asked you what your goals were and you told me all about them just for conversation... how you wanted to go back to school and better your self.... Then simply because you had a ring on your left hand and a baby in your lap, I (a stranger) told you that, that sounded too hard and if I were you I would rethink going back to school if I had someone who depended on me.... Just because I'm a wife and mother does not mean that I can't have an education or a career I want! I don't need to rethink going back to school because of my family. My family is only more motivation for me to go back to school!

/r/rant Thread Parent