Is drinking a gallon of milk a day bad for you?

OH no, I said shit and fuck. And oh no, I used minimum wage as an analogy to explain why government guidelines are full of shit. That must mean I am totally upset, huh?

Again, try reading my post differently. The only person that's upset is the voice in your head you don't seem to be able to control when you read people's posts. The upset person is yourself because that's how YOU feel when you say those words. That is what I mean when I say try reading it again. Try controlling that voice in your head and reading it carefully.

And you know what else had "years and years" of research? All the shit that says marijuana causes cancer, that 30 minutes of exercise a day is good enough (not even close), that antidepressants don't totally fuck up the brain (go read the LATEST research that completely contradicts everything ever written on it).

The corps and government officials (basically the same people, every seated government officer starts out as a businessman trying to get more political power to get more control and more money) pay off researchers for fake results all the time. Look at the shit on fracking, global warming, aspartame. Almost anything you can think of that the government keeps saying is insignificantly small to do any damage or isn't the thing causing the damage is proven false time and time again by more people.

And again no, that caloric intake isn't nearly high enough for a moderately active male. Being able to stand up and not die isn't being moderately active. Being moderately active is being able to actually decently perform all day and then be able to comfortably stay awake for the 8 hours they're still awake before bed time. With that low daily caloric intake, they're exhausted as shit after work and only feel like sitting down on videogames all day. If they want to actually be active, like play basketball with their friends or even do light weight exercising, hiking, jogging, bike riding, they need 4000-5000 minimum.

2000-3000 is only enough to keep them at a level we can barely consider not anorexic. Look at the fucking jean sizes they wear now. Most people are wearing shit only teenage girls should be able to wear, because that is how much god damn food they're not eating. People are getting skinnier and weaker and having less enegy to be outdoors, and work on sports, hobbies, skills, academics (the brain needs lots of calories, lots of lipids and a little protein).

If you want to be able to barely move around and look like an anorexic abercrombie model that has dangerously low levels of fat and muscle, then yea, that's enough. If allllll you do allllll day long is sit and do nothing, then yea that's enough.

If you're the average male, and your job is what the average male does, which involves at the very least walking and standing for 7.5 hours (forgot about break time) and also be able to do a little bit of stuff after work, it's not nearly enough.

Lots of people aren't eating enough. And the fatasses that eat to much don't know how to shop in the cheap produce section and also control their eating habits.

4000-5000 calories a day won't make the average male a fatass. It's what you need to actually be able to maintain what used to be the norm in body fat and muscle mass, and be able to also repair and grow new muscle that should always be developing as we do our 8 hour manual labor jobs everyday. But they don't, because they're barely eating enough to function every day. They only don't notice because they wear tighter and tighter clothes every year and think as long as their clothes are tight, they're at a healthy weight. You also get used to hunger over a time, and your body drops muscle mass and slows down its metabolism (that means all bodily processes, which includes energy consumption, brain activity, muscle movement and the degree to which they can contract an recruit muscle fibers) to compensate for the lack of food.

Humans are turning more and more into sloths because they don't eat enough food and are scared to eat more because of the fatasses that eat wrong, and think they can't afford it because they don't know what fucking aisles in the grocery store to browse through. Produce is dirt cheap. We got Sams, Costcos, Walmarts, 99 Cents Only, bananas, oatmeal, rice, and all the different greens are so cheap to buy, but all people shop for are fresh cuts of steak, fish, and packaged and processed shit in the packaged food aisles for all the other food they eat.

THAT'S the truth, not that shit you linked to.

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