Drivers of Reddit,what's the DUMBEST thing you've ever seen on the road?

Someone stupid hick thought he could run me off the road because it was dark and there were no witnesses. Jokes on him, I'm the wrong driver to do that to.

Okay, imagine a town like 2,500ft up a mountain that requires you to go down a winding road with switchbacks and a 55mph speed limit and there are deer everywhere.

I'm making my way down the mountain going 65mph with nobody around. There are no passing lanes for like twenty miles and the pull over spot on the side of the road is invisible in the dark.

Some maniac comes flying up behind me and ends up right on my bumper, which I find quite irritating. Everyone around knows that's a horrible idea because of deer and it's really distracting. He's tailgating me and I'm throwing my right arm up trying to wave him back and gesturing like "wtf are you doing?" I speed up to 80mph and he's still inches from my bumper. He wouldn't give me any distance.

This goes on for like three miles. I'm feeling really unsafe, so I do the smart thing and floor it the fuck out of there. My car is too fast for him to catch up. I got way out of sight and slowed down to a reasonable speed again. Here he comes again, acting like he's going to ram me.

At the last second I pull out of his way so I don't die and give chase, because I'm about to make this asshole fear god. My car has a sports package. His car does is junk.

He ran from me like he was shitting bricks and it was so easy to keep pace. You could smell his brakes from 1,500ft. He was roasting them.

At the bottom of a switchback on a bridge, he stopped his car and jumped out screaming like a pussy about how I better stop and he'll beat me up. I told him he better watch who he threatens and asked him why he tried to murder me by running me off the road.

He completely denied his behavior, pretended like he kept a safe distance and tried to say I was going too slow. After crying like a baby, I told him to take off and he got back in his car without doing so much as taking a swing at me. Fucking idiot.

There might've been no passing lanes, but he had ample opportunity to simply pass me. He was trying to get me to crash and total my car.

I hope he enjoys paying for new brakes.

/r/AskReddit Thread