Why do you get Dungeon Deserter after being KICKED from a group (especially time walking).

I remember a dungeon I did while leveling concerning a "kick me" tank; Gnomregan, I was healing. At this point we're beginning the hallway to the last boss. One of the DPS looked new to the game: greens and whites, no heirlooms. They pulled some groups on accident, probably didn't realize their barrage did that, and the tank was going off like someone just dug up his great grandpa and danced the Charleston with him, and initiated a vote kick. TBH we only had one wipe due to bad pulling, it's not like we couldn't progress.

The other DPS and I weren't having it, and didn't let the vote pass. We'd all been new and pulled shit on accident. Tank tries again to the same result, and then throws a hissy fit and demands we kick him, because he won't tank for us unless the hunter is kicked. I told everyone not to kick the tank, because he'd get a free ride w/o a debuff if he got kicked, than voluntarily leaving. Eventually he phases out since we won't kick him, and we completed the dungeon using CC and not pulling too violently until the end.

Did it take an extra 15 minutes? Yes. Was it worth it? Yes.

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