Dutch say 'no' to treaty with Ukraine and 32% vote: Nos exit poll

Sputnik is garbage Russian propaganda that most intelligent people do not take seriously...



Re: Current stress in Ukraine: the situation as it is now has been engineered by Putin and his ilk to make Ukraine seem ill-equipped for full sovereignty. Same as Libya... there are some problems now but it is infinitely better than living under tyrants like Gaddafi, Assad, or Putin's vassals.

Again, it was the Ukrainian people who rose up when Yanukovych betrayed their desire to start integrating with the EU in favor of his cronyism with Putin.


The above is what you get when you support the way Putin is running things currently. You really support what goes on in the DNR and the idea that what's over there could spread throughout the country?

There's the list right there... war crimes, high levels of sexual and gender-based violence, antisemitism, antiziganism, bigotry against Ukrainian Orthodox Christians, Ukrainian Catholics, Roman Catholics, Protestants (btw there is obviously nothing wrong at all with being Russian Orthodox, I'm only referring to the DNR extremists), homophobia, and transphobia. Why would it not be in people's interest to contain and defeat such a movement, such an ideology by any means necessary?

And how about when these "separatist" terrorists shot down MH17? I'm so sick of hearing about "fascist Ukraine" or the "Kiev junta" which are just clever manipulative buzzwords by Kremlin propagandists to mislead the public and the world that a fully-sovereign Ukraine is illegitimate. Too many pro-Putin trolls on this site and on the internet at large... sigh

P.S. There are many Russians who agree with what I've said! =) But many more are manipulated or intimidated away from the truth...

/r/worldnews Thread Parent Link - dutchnews.nl