Eat Your Lunch

People seem to be 100% certain that the child in the video is getting abused. She could very well be acting out a situation she saw in school.

You need ways to discipline your kids but parents aren’t perfect, sometimes they just want to know that their kid has a full belly so they can go to bed stress free and wake up for work the next morning.

That being said it’s never okay to threaten your kids with violence when they don’t do exactly what you ask them to do all the time. That doesn’t build confidence, that builds fear and insecurity in the relationship.

I never realized it was abuse but I remember my parents did that to me just about all the time. Mai Mainly when I was being a brat in public and they got fed up with me.

I guess I never considered that abuse though because my parents would do so much worse and then gaslight me about what they did or did not do, but I remember pretty much every incident as a kid. They could never really succeed in gaslighting what happened, just gaslighting what is or what is not okay for a parent to do.

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