Effective Altruism Has a Novelty Problem | Freddie DeBoer

He really is some kind of weird left-wing eugenics rationalist. It's kind of funny because I think the key is that he believes in *everything* about Marx including like the 19th century assumptions about linear progression of natural systems. It's like if you met a "Darwinist" today who had never heard of DNA and was absolutely furiously adamant that inheritance happened via Lamarckian Gemmules. There's this whole genre of guy that doesn't seem to have the slightest clue how to navigate the difference in modalities between older philosophy and modern science. Andrew Sullivan, another HBD guy, had this infamously stupid tweet where he said to somebody arguing with him about IQ/eugenics: "Haven't you read any Darwin?!" which is just the most hilariously stupid thing you could say about that and it also sounds like a college Marxist chiding you for not reading the right theorists.

/r/SneerClub Thread Parent Link - freddiedeboer.substack.com