EG Starcraft player on the state of the team: not great

As a longtime advocate for players, I am obviously happy that a group of players now own EG — but are player owned organizations really any better for players overall if once certain players become owners, they treat their players the same way some traditional team owners always have?

he just sounds salty that ppd and co. are owners and not him

Even to PPD and the new owners, while I disagree with the way things have been handled, I still wish you guys the best of luck going forward, and will continue to cheer for all of you.

yeah, that's basically it.

huk was once the foreign hope in starcraft like 5+ years ago (in starcraft anyone non-korean is considered a "foreigner"), and he wasn't relevant since then, other than being a well-liked personality and overwatch analyst or something. how him and incontrol were employed as "esports athletes" for the last ~4 years remains a mystery to me.

this just sounds like attention seeking behavior mostly.. if you read the starcraft reddit and it'll make more sense to you

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