ELI5: Why is catcalling not protected as freedom of speech?

I think this is terrible and the wrong way to approach the situation. I get that there are creeps out there who might have sinister intentions, but the majority of time it's just an old guy checking out the girls ass. If he can't have the freedom to admire someone in public why is the government even involved in the first place? I also don't think it's right to focus o the woman in this scenario, because anyone can claim harassment for anything. I can go up to a catholic and say the pope sucks, and hey can claim harassment. But I shouldn't be arrested for that. Same applies to the woman who's being an asshole and reporting men for sexually wanting her.

I don't know, I know I'm in the minority here but I came from an old fashioned household and was taught through most of my life that women don't want a beta-male who sits back and doesn't compliment a woman, they want the guy who takes risks and asserts his sexual vocabulary. "Nice guys finish last", there's a reason that quote is so popular. Because it's true. Our whole species relies around it if you think about it. I think this is a silly issue to get upset about.

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