ELI5: Who are the Rohingya people? How come I almost never hear about them? Even here on Reddit or Islamic subreddits.

Many forms of Buddhism, you see the Tibetan version a lot, the Japanese Shinto-Buddhism and Chinese Buddhism. Even non-religious Buddhism (The atheist, Sam Harris, often talks about the Buddha's teachings as having been philosophical in nature, yet twisted into a religion since the teachings were passed verbally for 600 years before being written down). Oh, and when talking about Indian religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Jainism are included in that group, and Jains are complete pacifists, while Sikhs are what you could call egalitarian, Hinduism, at least classical Hinduism isn't really even a religion, more a blanket term for Indian Paganism. So they are different, but not immune to problems all religions face. In this case, while people like to pick sides based on which religion they like and which they don't.

It's not the Rohingya massacring Buddhists, it's the other way around. But people insists on casting them as illegal immigrants

Which btw, many of the Rohingya were born in Burma, in fact, actual Rohingya have lived there for centuries, Burma's a nation that's only 50 years old, before that, like India, it was just a slurry of Kingdoms. So while, yes, there are Bengali immigrants that came to the region over centuries, some legally, some illegally, the vast majority of people are born in Burma.

It's sad that there are some 20 year old Buddhists who feel they are more Burmese than 60 year old Rohingya. But it's a conflict of identity and tribalism, and people even in the west are demonizing the Rohingya as a part of this tribal mentality/instict they have of hating Rohingya more then the rest of the Burmese, so they say disgusting things about them, some Youtube videos literally have comments calling for pograms and these people to be forced into the sea.


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