ELI5: Without hatred, please explain to me why the debate over confederate monuments has become so heated/relevant lately?

the people who vote because of feelings instead of reason (red-party-voters) act up because of their gut-feelings.

they are desperate, because they don't feel represented by congress/ "the top", yet they aren't able to voice their concerns in a way that enables the blue party to engage in discourse with them (because they don't talk facts but feelings - its literally impossible to get to them as a group).

hence they are more and more isolated, more and more out of touch with actual context, while more and more in touch with their own peer.

in association to "their own peer", these monuments feel like they are their cultural heritage. go figure - its not about facts, because they as a group don't care about facts, at all.

the rest of the usa strongly condemns anything that represents white supremacy, which (from an intellectual pov) includes confederate monuments.

a crucial part of trumps voter-base are, in fact, white supremacists, so he doesn't want to openly denounce them or their actions (so they continue to feel like he represents them/ vote for him in the next election),

hence all of this is a stressed topic.

/r/explainlikeimfive Thread