EM tells me I can't use any weapons or the radio on her son because "it's unfair" over ROBLOX, then proceeds to try and get the entire server to gang up on me.

Someone actually used this on a close friend of mine when we started high school (2012 when it was being legalized).

I don’t fully remember what happened. But I live near this elementary school, so this grandmother started yelling at my friend (wearing a pride shirt) and I and she used FA**OT.

Apparently not as bad as shit/fuck/etc because it’s not a slur or swear word since lgbtq people aren’t people.

No one in my town ever acts this way so I was shocked. I’m not exaggerating, being an extremely liberal, well off, academic, university town, it’s very accepting. Like even my neighbor’s, friend’s grandparents, these retirees I spend time with, they all supported gay pride in the ‘60s to now.

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