So, do we (ENTP) suck at being boyfriends?

My INTJ sister's ENTP boyfriend fucking suuuuuucks. Doesn't listen to her, constantly cuts her off, will make an argument out of any conversation with no intention of winning but to just argue with her. Watching it in action is the most frustrating thing in the world. He's selfish and sensitive and gets moody when things don't go his way... and YES he's an ENTP, before you argue some other type. I will say he's really caring when he wants to be and is willing to keep her from doing anything self-destructive so that's nice!

If you are an ENTP boyfriend: 1. Listen to your SO. Stop cutting them off 2. Not everything has to be a debate, and ESPECIALLY not with them 3. Remember to compromise instead of making it black and white

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