EPA’s climate change website went down a year ago for ‘updating.’ It’s still not back.

When the vast majority of people that call themselves conservative no longer fit your description of conservative, then the problem is with your definition.

And the definition of fiscal conservatism in particular is bunk. It's fiction. It's marketing and has been for decades. Conservatives only care about the deficit when they're not in power. It's a ploy, not a principle. Similar to how conservatives constantly squirm out of accountability for their crappy policies and their consequences by claiming that that the conservatives that enacted conservative policies weren't actually conservative, and THIS TIME they'll really practice "real" conservatism, they promise.

Every conservative president and candidate since at least Reagan (who oversaw a ballooning of the deficit and debt) has retroactively been chided as "not really conservative." There will never be a true conservative in office, because once they fail, they stop being a true conservative. This is why I'm labeling this a No True Scotsman argument, because that's exactly what it is.

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