Europeans who’ve visited the US, what made you go “WTF”?

Yeah, it just makes it look like everyone running for office is the scum of the earth and deserves to die.

I mean Republican endorsed attack ads lately have been "this person wants your tax dollars to pay for everyone's healthcare. Can you believe 'D' danced this one time? They're not a serious candidate if they had time to dance that one time while in college. Tell 'D' NO and stand by 'R' in this election. My name is 'R' and I approve this message (*this ad was sponsored by the NRA/Russia and a private probably shadily financed company that supports creating 'librual tears')"

Meanwhile the Democrat attack ads have been "'R' voted for this thing that hurts you even though they said they would defend 'Y'. Do they really have your best interest in mind? Vote for 'D' in this election because 'D' cares. I'm 'D' and I approve this message. (*this ad was sponsored by people who care about 'Y')"

And if you stay up late enough you might see a third party ad because light night television is the only place they can afford advertisements. "Hi, I'm 'I' and I think 'Z', if you believe in 'Z' then you should vote for me, because I will fight for 'Z' with everything I have. (*this ad sponsored and paid for by 'I' campaign, or Russia if 'I' is Jill Stein." Because independent parties don't usually have enough money to run attack ads so they'll spend money trying to make themselves look good (unless the entire reason they ran was to take votes away from 'D' so 'R' would have a better shot. Looking at you Jill Stein, getting all buddy-buddy with Putin in Moscow while Russia ran ads endorsing you on Facebook during the election to detract votes from 'D')

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