Why even reply?

Yes Reddit has a lot of garbage on it. The reason I think it doesn’t have this specific problem—politics leaking into everything—is that all the subs are fairly separated. If you don’t go on T_d, you don’t see T_d stuff. I’m on a lot of very apolitical subs and on the extremely rare moments when politics comes up on a non-political post on a non-political sub, it is downvoted into oblivion, often removed by mods, and can even lead to (temporary) bans. In this one specific way, I see Reddit as largely avoiding the problem. Everything becomes political on Twitter eventually. It is hard to hide from politics on Facebook without hiding from your friends and family. On Reddit, it is political if you want it to be and in the ways you want it to be only.

/r/trashy Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it