Have you ever experienced ghosting (ending relationship by stopping communication, without closure) from a partner? What happened? How did you cope?

The term 'ghosting' really has all these negative connotations attached to it, but I truly believe cutting off contact entirely is the only sure fire way to deal with certain people, or rather certain types of relationships - particularly ones where you are on the receiving end of some kind of hurt or abuse (emotional, physical or even mental)

In my last relationship, I, like many fell into the trap of constantly trying to please my girlfriend, making the mistake of sacrificing my own time and happiness just to ensure I could secure a little bit of time alone with her, and for that time to just flow naturally and be enjoyable for us both. My ex-gf is the type of person that likes to constantly be busy, as such, getting involved into a 1.5 year relationship which would take us well into our last year at University was probably not the brightest idea.

What happened to me

To be as concise as possible: Over time I would see her less and less, and I respected her priority for her studies to come first, but the fact she was out partying several times a week without telling me was a cause for concern, particularly as we were hardly ever spending any time together, and despite my efforts rushing back from classes and study sessions to try and think of a small, quaint romantic gestures to let her know I appreciated her, it was never enough. Naturally I backed off over time and stopped doing as much of these things, but she kept heading out, doing her thing, and I could never really understand what she wanted from me or from the relationship, looking back, I don't think she even knew herself. Naturally this culminated in her dumping me, only for us to get back together after a few weeks. During which time, she became hostile, vicious and emotionally manipulative. She became furious when I spoke to other girls on campus despite the fact she was constantly doing the same, we'd have sex and if she came first - well that sex was pretty much over, and she'd accuse me of sleeping with her friends (I've been with a lot of girls in the past, but never have I or would I, cheat). Soon, all her friends started ignoring me out in public, while she held all of mine in the palm of her hand. Two weeks before the last (and most heavily weighted) exams of University, I found out she had been cheating for the last few months. I had the privilege of then going home for Summer, thinking it was all over, and someone anonymously spamming my phone with harassment, telling me how stupid I was for trying to make it work with her, subsequently it was revealed (through supplied screenshots and pictures), it was the guy she had fucked texting me, who just happened to be a friend of mine. tl;dr - In the immortal words of my sister ''You can polish a turd all you want, at the end of the day, it'll always just be a turd.''

Cutting Contact In a situation like the one i just described, it really fucks you over mentally. I was by no means a stranger to relationships, I had been with many women before this, even crazy chicks but this took the cake. Your concept of trust and loyalty are completely fractured, and as the person who has been wronged - all you want to do is desperately try to find some semblance of justice, or find out why this happened to you. But this my friends, is NOT the thing to do, its like trying to find a solution for madness, it will only in turn, drive you yourself insane.

So if I return momentarily to the story above, after my ex left me (for the 2nd time), she continued to text and call me for no fucking reason, I assume she just wanted to get a daily update on how upset I was to sustain her demon life force. However, I went NO CONTACT with her. And it drove her absolutely fucking insane. She began blowing up my phone DAILY, while I was still depressed, I tried my best to throw little house parties and keep a happy, positive atmosphere and this made her so full of hate and contempt she even tried to invite me round so we ''could work things out and move on with our lives''. Fuck that!

The best thing you can do when someone is trying to manipulate you or make you feel less than you are worth is to cut them out of your life. You can try to seek vengeance or retribution, or ask for answers as to why you deserved to be treated so badly, but in reality, most of the time the sad thing is there are none. People do things because they can get away with it, and I realised I had let her get away with it for too long by putting myself in that position. All I had to do to empower myself was remove myself completely from communication with her. I owed her nothing, and what I wanted for her (answers) wasn't something she was able to provide. Sometimes you have to cut your losses (and emotional ties) in order to be able to move forward a stronger, better person. You don't need to seek closure from someone who makes you feel bad about yourself. Never doubt yourself, be strong.

/r/AskReddit Thread