Have you ever had to deal with road rage?

Asshole indeed.

I really don't deal with the road rage. I drive defensively and take my time. Somebody's in a rush, I yield to let them get around, however I do giddyup when I need to. In my city, folks are quick to pull out and people have been shot up on expressways due to road rage. I got places to be plus shuttling my kids around, so I have no time for the bullshit. My kids mom has tried to act out behind the wheel before and I had to lean in on her to relax with that foolery. On one instance with her at the wheel we had not only the kids but elderly relatives inside, while they were four deep in and clearly not to be troubled with. Had to smooth it out best way possible through nonverbal communication upon approaching a traffic light on a block where they had possibly more reinforcements at the ready than I could drum up if it came it down to it.

An old buddy and I flew out to Houston to do some promo work, he was the driver while I navigated the course. He got distracted tryna talk on his cel and nearly set off a bad accident, so we got cursed something terrible from the passing motorists.

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