Have you ever had a weird unforgettable dream that still haunts you when you remember it ?

My dream started in a school. Assembly had just got over and everyone was heading back into their respective classes. Being the head girl, it was my duty to ensure that my friends were doing theirs. And so I did. I joyfully made a headstart for the building, knowing no one can stop me with this status.

I entered the corridor only to be welcomed by my friends. Except this time, they were all lying dead with gunshots. I noticed a man with a gun. He kept shooting students. Seeing me, he ran off to the primary section. 

A teacher came up behind me and said, "Well, at least they were doing their duty". I turned around and she pointed a remote at me. I tried to let her know about the gunman on the loose, but I remained inaudible to her bunny ears. As though, she had muted me. 

We were forced to sit in one of the classes. My best friend dragged me to the row near the windows. The class was filled with seniors, we all received a different badge. Mine read 'happiness minister'. We started laughing at each other and making jokes. No one seemed to care about the dead students or the gunman.

All of a sudden, the door opened and a group of boys peeped in. We invited them in to take a seat. One of them laughed and a man with the gun pushed them aside. He started shooting the students one by one. Starting from the one near the door. Row by row, he carefully aimed his gun at them, as if his bullets were limited.

When he saw me, he eagerly aimed and pulled the trigger. As if to spoil the orderly shooting sequence he had been following.

My eyes closed. Everything went dark.  I struggled to breathe. I couldn't take it anymore. I woke up.

It was still dark. It was 3 am. I saw my mom sleeping beside me, snoring to glory near my ear. Her loud snores were perfectly timed to that of the gunshots.

Most of my dreams are vivid and senseless. But I can't seem to forget this one. 

/r/AskReddit Thread