Have you ever reached out for closure months after the BU?

I don’t think you’ll get closure.

If for example you ask her if she cheated, she will either say “no” and you will be left unsatisfied and thinking she’s lying.

Alternatively if she does say yes, you’ll then be asking “why” or wondering if she is just saying yes to hurt you.

Closure really doesn’t work. Just accept it’s over and try to move on if you can.

Staying in contact with an ex, to be honest, is exceptionally painful all it does it re open old wounds.

And I say that as someone who’s slept with their ex 7 times after we broke up nearly 2 years ago. It’s the same pattern of behaviour from them. One of us has to break it.

That’s the hard part. But the closure? Nah that won’t happen you’ll never get that. To be honest I only bother because the pattern we are in, although it’s kind of toxic, the sex is good. That’s not even a real reason. I’m just fucking stockholmed to her.

/r/ExNoContact Thread