Is it too mean to keep your ex blocked after you've moved on?

I've let go of resentment. My ex had too many narcissistic traits so he definitely thinks I'm obsessed with him, when in reality I just don't care anymore. Unblocking him would only provide him with an ego boost that I'm thinking of him, and I don't wanna do that. So I'm in a very confused state of mind and I think it's best I stay tf away and some other girl can have the headache.

I think I've moved on by only 80-90% because if he comes back and makes me believe he changed, i might give in, also I genuinely find myself forgetting about him and the relationship, but I feel guilty about it and end up reminding myself of the good times so I don't totally forget about it. So that explains it. If I don't remind myself intentionally, I will move on completely for sure. It's just that I feel bad I'm forgetting about him? I don't even remember his face much, it's all a foggy memory and I don't know if it's a trauma response to the constant cycle of love bombing, devaluation and discard that lasted for a year. It's a good thing I'm forgetting about him honestly and I should actually LET MYSELF forget about him.

There was a time when I was wondering why I wasn't enough, but the more I learnt about narcissistic relationships and its dynamics, I realized the problem is with my ex, not me. That contributed to me moving on. Also I've come to a realization that my ex is just another average guy, or maybe even worse than majority of the guys, and he needs therapy. He's no one special, I fell in love with the potential, and he isn't even capable of reaching that potential, in reality I don't even know him since he lied about everything ever. In a way, I'm thankful he was a huge liar so I don't feel guilty about moving on.

Also you're very right, I won't unblock him until I've 100% moved on. I know that if he says the right words, I might let him back in and he doesn't deserve it. I would if he changed, but it's next to impossible.

Thankyou for your insights, truly appreciate it :)

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