Can’t believe how much I cried in front of her

It’s crazy to me how humans are being ridiculed for being… HUMANS… by HUMANS.

One of the biggest distinctions we have from other species is that we have complex emotions that influence our behaviour, no other species have that to the degree humans do

Crying, sadness, grief, shame, guilt are all human emotions that should be embraced because it’s our nature. You can’t go against what you’re wired to be.

Craziest part is that humans are the same ones who’ll go around criticize others for showing emotions, especially men, who suffer from it to a greater extent and it’s heartbreaking

We all experience these, it’s absolutely normal and warranted. Not showing emotions doesn’t mean you’re strong. In fact i show no emotions because I’m not strong enough to face rejection and conflict. Showing emotions is strong. It is valid and suppressing it only make things harder.

I struggle with the same problem, even though i KNOW it’s literally me just functioning, an emotional being, trying to survive.

We’re valid and deserve to be respected just like everyone else. Even if we show emotions

/r/ExNoContact Thread