Every Christians should be okay with marijuana legalization.

Everything I said was a point against your opinion. Read it again.
I am not trying to sound rude but this is repetition online from people who do not know.
Kindness allows scoffing. and repetition begs for authority; order; truth.

You may be Catholic or any other title but you might ask if Abraham was a Christian, was Jacob a Christian? Was Christ a Christian? Is the Lord of existence a Christian?

Religion is to follow.
There is only what is the spirit, which is only a word for what IS.

It is easy to get lost because humanity chooses loss and therefore does-not-know but once you realize, it is then when you deny that is bad for you.

What point do you have to say against what I have said? if you have read the texts and also have your own heart in mind?
I will reply but "understanding people", I know that the majority would rather speak belligerently and "argue" their own point than to ask about what they do-not-know.

Have fun in life. Throw your garbage outside because you can. You do have the free will. Murder some one because you can. Cut yourself, drink in the morning. Try all drugs because of free will. Sleep in the woods without a tent. Steal from a store. Steal from someone who has nothing. Walk outside and scream.

There is a difference between right and wrong and, these things are divine.

but keep from forgetting that in time, this place was never your place at all. Just as before birth, you will return.

Life can be a party in hell if you choose but, it does not have to be.

so while everyone has fun, maybe take a second through your free will to consider who and what might be suffering while you are stoned and dense with smoke, tainting what is you and what goes beyond you.

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