Every interaction with my BPD mom

Yup! While I sit there and listen because it’s no longer a discussion it’s it’s her mouth barfing info on herself no body fucking cares about. Stuff I’ve heard on repeat for years and years. While she mocks my body language because she’s obsessed with me. sometimes she’s had conversations over my head to other people about how her kids don’t have kids. And other very personal things in my life that is really inappropriate for given places of situations.

I feel trapped in these conversations. I’m tired of people spewing their trauma at my face. I shouldn’t have to listen to sexual comments from family members.

Nobody should be asking me what I’m doing in my personal life. Nobody should be talking about anything sexual in family settings. I had so much rage and hate when people think others’ personal lives are subjects to comment and discuss.

Not to mention the people she thinks she knows like people on tv or anything political.

I wanted to make a rule. That if it’s not about yourself and yourself only and it has to be in the last two years, you can’t talk about it. Conversations with my mother are like trying to train a toddler how to act and think.

/r/raisedbyborderlines Thread Link - i.redd.it