What Bizarre Things Did Your BPD Parent Have You Do?

-I basically had no privacy as a child, no closed door policy, she was constantly trying to break into my social media accounts, read all my conversations with the people I was talking with, coming at my schools gates and watching me from there, it was a creepy feeling being outside in the sun in the lunch break with your girlfriends and seeing your mother spying. -She was constantly trying to isolate me, taking my phone for months for every stupid reason, not allowing me to leave the house, making a huge scene whenever I was trying to go out with my friends, saying that I am going to destroy this family, and turning my father against me with all kind of inventions from her distorted mind( while she was talking shit about him behind his back).It was completely crazy for me. I also had a very good friend during 10 years and she was constantly speaking bullshit about her, was very jealous on her.
-Punishing like making me shit in the dark in a very small room, waiting for my father to come and free me, taking my clothes off and taking me out of the house, this happened many times. -I started after a while as a teenager to have panic attacks because of the constant abuse and I told her to take me to the doc, and she told me that I’m faking it. Went to the doc, heart was fine, got beaten for lying.

This was happening while I was top 3 smartest kids in my class, never done any kind of bullshit and basically an angel.

There are many other similar stories.. I still remember the feeling when I left the city for college, I never felt more free. I was still in contact with her for a few years, the control kept happening, writing me tons of messages of Wapp, if not answering calling me and so on. I’ve tried boundaries, nothing worked, so 6 months ago I switch from LC to NC. She’s still writing me on WAPP on a daily basis, but she’s just speaking alone. I’ve also switched countries so she doesn’t even have my new phone number, she cannot hurt me anymore.

/r/raisedbyborderlines Thread