Everyone has at least one good story. What's yours?

TL;DR I refused to do cocaine with a drunk former football player because of morals and then ran away from a street fight

I was in a city I once lived in, visiting friends I used to hang with before I moved. I was with another friend who also didn't live there any more, and neither of us were 21 yet. So, we tried to find a way to get alcohol. We met a guy, who told us he was friends with a bunch of bartenders down town, so we go to this bar (on a monday night) and start getting free drinks from this bartender. A guy comes up to my friend and I and asks if we know this guy at the end of the bar. We said no, we don't live here. And he goes - that's _____ _____, a famous football player for [local NFL team], and he wants to take a shot with you.

So of course we go "alright!" My friend looks up on her phone if this guy is really a football player (he was a third string something. we don't know sports that well) and then go over to take a shot. And another. And another. And this football player is talking us up, and saying he wanted to celebrate, he just retired or quit or got drafted or something. His friends keep referring to him by his full name, rather than just his first, so they can look cool I guess. And he was really annoyed by it, which was HILARIOUS.

Anyway, he asks if we want to go back to his place and "hang out" and he rubs one nostril in that really stupid way that people do when they don't want to say cocaine out loud. So we agree even though the nose rubbing move was super lame, and go outside, and he says we're riding in his car there to the south side of [city we are in].

My friend and I don't do drunk driving, and this guy was like, clearly drunk. So I said "uh, no. You're drunk, we're not getting in that car." And he argues that he's not drunk, and he's fine, and it's a 90,000 dollar car WHY WOULD HE DRIVE IT WHEN HE'S DRUNK? HE'S FAMOUS HE HAS SO MUCH TO LOSE, HE WOULD NEVER DRIVE DRUNK. But we weren't going to budge. We said, there is a fucking taxi literally sitting across the street, we will meet you at your house. But he would not take no for an answer. I don't think anyone has ever said no to this guy, but I was not about to get in a car with a drunk person behind the wheel. I was drunk as shit, but we probably argued on that street for 20 minutes.

So, some random drunk guy comes up and is trying to hit on my friend and my friend is getting freaked out by him because he appeared out of nowhere, and the bartender who was in this bar is trying to cool off [famous football player] because we're not going to go with him in his NEW 90,000 DOLLAR CAR, and the football players best friend is wasted and keeps saying he's going to fight someone (we weren't sure who. Us girls maybe?) for his best friend and he keeps referring to him by his full name which is pissing off said football player and tensions are rising while all this shit is going on in the street in front of his 90,000 DOLLAR CAR. And eventually this guy who is hitting on my friend is like, all over her and she is really not having it and she yelled at him or something, and football player's friend turns around and just starts a fight. The bartender just says "go!" and we run back through the bar, out the back into the alley, and go find someone else to hang out with at another bar.

And that's the story of how I almost did cocaine with a famous football player, but refused to get in a car with a drunk person based on morals.

/r/AskReddit Thread