Ex convicts of Reddit, did you find prison rehabilitating? Why or why not? What would you change about the system if you could?

Not prison but I'd say jail was rehabilitating in some ways for me. I went to jail for three days a month after my nineteenth birthday for burglarizing my neighbors while blacked out on Xanax. I detoxed and cried for the entire three days. Some of the "jailhouse lawyers" told me I was likely to get 6 months to a year and I was absolutely terrified. I was headed down a really bad path, I was homeless and suicidal. It was honestly one of the most terrifying and horrible experiences of my life.

I'll never forget crying in my parents arms when I was released. I'm two years sober now and am a student at a university.

P.S. The other convicts in there pranked me on my way out by yelling from their cells that I had to get my mattress stamped on my way out so I carried my mattress all the way to the reception area. The lady there looked at me and said something along the lines of "what the fuck are you doing?"

/r/AskReddit Thread