Ex-lazy people of reddit, how did you overcome your laziness?

Maintain momentum. Getting things done? Nice. Finish one thing? Don't take a break, move on to the next thing until they're all done. Then, once you're done, whatever time you have left before bedtime is yours.

My problem for a long time was messiness. I'd languish in my cluttered, dirty apartment and just tell myself I was too tired to clean. I'd always find myself motivated to clean when I got home, I'd tell myself, "ok I'll rest for 15 minutes then I'll attack the kitchen." 15 minutes would turn into hours, I'd get high and hours would turn into tomorrow. Nothing ever got done. I couldn't have people over because I was too embarrassed. I'd never start any of the projects I wanted to do because there were so many things I had to do first. It was no way to live.

When I get home from work, I don't even sit down until all my chores are completed. I try to clean one part of the house, and build/improve/fix something with my hands, etc. each night. This way I'm always on top of the work that needs to be done and there's never more than an hour's worth of real work. I feel like I have so much more time now. Weed, videogames, and reddit used to be time sinks to distract me from the things I needed to get done, now they're rewards after a job well done.

/r/AskReddit Thread