Experiences with ENFJ-ENTP relationships?

My husband is an ENTP (I am ENFJ). We work super well together, but have had to work on some things (like all healthy relationships) to get to where we are now. We have been together for 6 years and are still extremely happy and fulfilled.

I am much more emotional than he, so we have worked on this. He has worked to help address my emotional needs and open up more to me. This has made a huge difference in connecting and handling sensitive things that inevitably arise in the relationship. I also need to remember that he needs space when processing emotional turmoil in his life and give him time to process. Sometimes he doesn't want to talk (when I do) and that's ok.

We have worked to improve our arguments and conflict resolution skills. Most of our issues were that I wanted to talk about things long after my husband felt they were resolved. I was still emotionally upset about things. Again, recognizing our differences has helped this. He gives me more emotional feedback and I work to let things go without "beating a dead horse". Patience on both sides goes a long way.

All of this being said, we very rarely argue-but when we do, it's constructive and we are goal-oriented (how can we avoid having this ame argument in the future?) This satisfies both of us-my husband's desire to fix things and move on and my emotional need to feel cared for and understood.

Joys of our match:

We both love to host parties and entertain, which is awesome. I get to plan it all out (which I love) and we both get enjoyment of being with our friends.

He helps me be more spontaneous and less serious.

We both make each other laugh and encourage each other to try new things.

He helps me sort through problems with a less emotional viewpoint; I help him remember emotional needs of others (in work, friends, etc)

High self esteem and assuredness in each other and ourselves - neither partner relies on the other to be their cheering section.

There are so many others.....

This pairing can be awesome. We have been super passionate and hot and heavy early on. It's hard to imagine a time before each other because we "click" so well.

/r/enfj Thread