Where are the ENFJ males at?

ENFJ male here with SO INFP female. There are three types I usually like romantically ; 1. INFP - usually is perfect. No complain. A little bit more feely but I'm good at dealing with it. It's actually cute. 2. INFJ - Similar but slightly more logical and less feely. 3. ENFJ - Is a strong woman. Being with them make me comes off a stronger person.

My INFP SO.. how do I say. She's cute in personality. Quickly get teased, embarrassed, smile and excited. I like childish behaviour because they are easily impressed. Very understanding and we support each other in many ways. I cant think of any other type that please me more romantically other than INFP. My INFP to me is like an ideal female. Who dont yell, behave, sensitive, can share a lot of ideas and very supportive. As an ENFJ I'm not really into extrovert, they are exhausting and give me slightly lower chance of talking when we are in a conversation.When I'm with public, I listen more. So I really need an introvert or listener SO to compensate that. Overall ENFJ can be found everywhere but especially in ; volunteering, teaching, coaching, editing video and marketing workplace.

/r/enfj Thread