What were you guys like in High School? I'm starting to think I'm one of you based on some tests I've taken lately, but the whole dominant-Fe social thing doesn't resonate with me since I don't have many friends and I'm not popular. I'm a 16 yo male btw.

i’m from the uk and am high school age (18). my friends and teachers describe me as resilient, extroverted, outspoken, helpful, but also sensitive and somewhat stubborn. i hold myself to very high academic standards and tend to get upset when things don’t go the way i planned. english literature is my passion and has been since i was 14, and i feel like this makes a lot of sense as an ENFJ... analysing words to understand the thoughts and feelings of others!

i don’t know how it works in the US, but we take three subjects from 16-18 - aside from english lit i take politics and spanish. politics became my least favourite because i was so enthusiastic about good causes and social justice, but people in my class who don’t care too much for the well-being of others have mocked and shamed me for my political stances. i’m more used to it now, but it used to get so bad that i’d cry when they were shouting at me and telling me i was wrong.

overall, incredibly passionate person with a fear of failure.

/r/enfj Thread