F/21/5'6" [185lbs -> 105lbs] Active in running & powerlifting.

How does your brain work? Like 5+ separate people in this thread have told you how big of an idiot you are, and yet you still pretend as if you're better than me. You're like a little dog whose bark is louder than its bite.

Shove off, will ya. It's pretty evident to everyone except for you as to how wrong you are.

Also, just to demonstrate how badly you're grasping at straws: I never said that BMI is the defacto method. The first thing I said about it was "BMI is how anorexia is medically determined". Does it say "primary"? Does it say "de facto"? The only one inferring anything of the sort is you. BMI is in fact how anorexia is medically determined. The nuance of the matter is obviously implied, which is something you'd be able to admit if you had had an ounce of intellectual honesty in you. But you don't.

And besides, even if I had said anything of what you're saying I said, what does it matter that I change my opinion to begin with? That's how these things work. Opinions change when new facts are presented. Which is why your behavior is so incredible laughable.

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