Facebook friend made Trans ally bingo

Pronouns take time

They really, really do. I've been best friends with somebody for fifteen years. They just started transitioning to female last year. I still slip up every once in a while and refer to her as "him," but I'm trying. You can't just throw out fifteen years of experience overnight.

I do so much for trans people.

Literally nobody says that.


What's so wrong about that? If someone doesn't understand something and you're criticizing them for it, it's your responsibility to teach them. Don'just get mad at them for not understanding.

Don't call me cisgender.

I agree with that. I don't get why it's needed. 99.7% of the population (according to the Williams Institute) are not trans. Why do we need a special identifier to label ourselves as such? I'm just a man.


It exists. There are plenty of special snowflakes who are openly hostile against "cis" people. It takes about three seconds to find an example of it.

That's not transphobic

If you think it is, then educate the person why it is. If they don't see it as offensive and aren't trans, then tell them why it is offensive. But if they don't see it as offensive and are trans, let it go. You don't get to be offended for other people.

You are pushing away your allies.

You are. When you alienate yourself from people who want to help you, you're ensuring that you're going to be alone when you most need them.

Don't be so sensitive.

Well, don't.

But RuPaul said it!

So it's fine when you cite her, but when anybody else does, it's bad?

Singular "they" is incorrect grammar.

It is. You learned this in like third grade. Unless you're referring to an unknown person, "they" is not a singular.

You don't look trans.

If I meet you for the first time and you look like a male, I'm going to assume you're a male, and I'll be right 99.7% of the time.

Talks over trans people.

You talk over non-trans people, so it's the only way they can get a word in edgewise.

"Normal people."

As I've said before, 99.7% of the population isn't trans. Therefore, not being trans is the norm, or normal.

Wants a cookie for being a decent human being.

Nice condescension. So people aren't allowed to feel good about themselves when they do something good?

Be grateful we do anything at all!

More like "be grateful that we look past the hatred you spew and continue to at least try to help out your cause."

I'm not listening if you're going to be rude.

This applies when I'm talking to anybody, not just trans people.

You're being too emotional.

If you're trying to have a logical argument or discussion about something, emotion has to be set aside, or you're not going to be able to communicate effectively.

You enjoy being a victim.

You certainly do on Tumblr. I don't know any trans people in the real world who think that the entire world is out to get them, but people on Tumblr sure do.

Tone argument

I assume you mean the thing where people say that they would be more willing to listen if you were being pleasant? Well, yes. Nobody is going to listen to somebody that's berating them. You want them to listen? Be nice.

Not ALL cis people.

There are 7.103625 billion non-trans people on this planet, and you constantly spout rhetoric and generalizations as if they apply to all of them, when I would be willing to wager that not even a majority of them fit said generalizations.

You need a sense of humor.

You do. There is such a thing as humor, and just because you get offended by a joke doesn't give you the right to throw a shitfit about it. If you can't laugh at yourself, you can't laugh at anything.

...trans women have male privilege!

Literally nobody says this, except Tumblrinas.


Your point? There's a difference between transgendered and transsexual.

I didn't misgender you on purpose.

See my points on "pronouns take time" and "you don't look trans." Not everything is an attack.

Dead names you

See my point on "pronouns take time." It's not like a lightswitch, where you flip it and suddenly you're never going to think of this person by their old name.

/r/TumblrInAction Thread Link - imgur.com