Faktencheck: Stimmen die Meldungen über vergewaltigende Flüchtlinge? - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Der Unterschied zwischen Flüchtlingen/Ausländern und Einheimischen:

Wenn ein Einheimischer eine Frau vergewaltigt, ist er ein Psychopath. Wenn ein Flüchtling eine Frau vergewaltigt, wird er noch immer als Flüchtling wahrgenommen.

Fälle wie David Parker Rey, Wolfgang Přiklopil oder Josef Fritzl zeigen, dass auch Einheimische zu solchen Taten fähig sind.

Über David Parker Ray:

Ray had a video of another victim, Kelli Garrett, which dated back to 1996.[12] Garrett was ultimately found in Colorado alive, after police identified a tattoo on her ankle.[1] Garrett later testified that she had gotten in a fight with her husband, and decided to spend the night playing pool with friends. On July 24th, 1996, Ray's daughter, who was friends with Garrett, took her to the Blu-Water Saloon in T Or C, and roofied the beer she was drinking. Garrett managed to make it to the parking lot when Ray hit her from behind, knocking her unconscious. Ray took her to his trailer and attached a dog collar and leash to Garrett. Garret awoke, but blacked out several times during 2 days of torture and date rape drugs. During this time, Ray noticed she was breathing and slashed her throat open. Thinking he had killed her, Ray dumped her on the side of the road near Caballo. She was later treated for her injuries at a local clinic. Neither her husband, nor police, believed her story. Her husband believed she had been cheating on him the night she was attacked. He filed for divorce, and Garrett relocated to Colorado.

In jedem Fall müssen Anreize geschaffen werden, um die Anzahl der Vergewaltigungen in Deutschland zu senken!

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